The Finance and Business Synergy Report 

How the finance team interacts with the other departments across a business is a major part of how organisations can flourish and turn their ambitions into reality. 

True, there’s more than a smidge of hesitation about business growth – recessions, inflation and political change will do that. But there’s also a cautious optimism and companies can sense opportunities.  

What’s missing is the transparency, visibility and, you guessed it, collaboration they need to seize them. 

To dig deeper into this, Pleo has launched its first Finance and Business Synergy Report – an in-depth look at the challenges, benefits and future of collaboration across Europe. 

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What's inside

✓ Discover why collaboration is a key missing ingredient for many companies and the best ways to start putting new ways of working into practice 

✓  Insights from more than 2,800 financial decision makers across Europe on how they view the current state of collaboration, including predicted solutions and outdated perceptions 

✓ A discussion on the role spend management and AI will play in the future of collaboration